SC Sub Plan Training on Coir doormat making, Nedhunuru pedhapalem, Dr. br Ambedkar Konasema District - 12.09.2024
GPS data collecrion in CFLDs Oilseeds-Groundnut fields at Alageyapalem adopted village ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur - 04.09.2024
Five days skill development training on nursury production ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur - 03.09.2024
XIII Annual Group Meeting ICAR-CTRI, RS Hunsur, 29-30, August-2024
PLANT4MOTHER (EK PED MA KE NAMM) programme ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur & Kalavacharla- 21.08.2024
Parthenium awareness programme at Darkanipadu & ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur- 20 & 22, AUG-2024
Focussed group discussion in newly adopted village of ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur -14.08.2024
Skill Training of Rural Youth (STRY) on Nursery Management & Grafting methods in Horticultural Crops held during 7-13 August 2024 at ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kalavacharla
Hon'ble Prime Minister's programme on official release and dedication of 109 biofortified & climate resilient crop varieties to the nation at ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur - 11.08.2024
Hon'ble Prime Minister's programme on official release and dedication of 109 biofortified & climate resilient crop varieties to the nation at ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kalavacharala- 11.08.2024
Dr M Sheshu Madhav, Director, ICAR-CTRI, visited KVK-AMUDALAVALSA as a part of impact study of KVKs by ICAR institutes...- 09.08.2024
Training To Farmers On Blackgram And Chill At Pokur Village at ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur- 08.08.2024
Training programme on Black Thrips Management in Chilli at ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kalavacharala- 07.08.2024
CFLD's on Groundnut - Critical input Gypsum supply and training on Realtime IPM & INM practices at ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur- 06.08.2024
Farmar Training Programme at ICAR-CTRI, KVK, Kandukur-22.07.2024